Cultural services

VCS Environmental qualified cultural resources professionals conduct the full range of cultural resources studies. The team conducts Phase I and Phase II field investigations, designs and implements Phase III mitigation studies, provides construction management services for archaeology and paleontology, and prepares and peer reviews cultural resources technical studies and reports. The lead VCS cultural resources professional is a Registered Professional Archaeologist who meets the Secretary of Interior's standards for historic preservation programs for archaeology, is an Orange and Riverside County certified archaeologist, and is listed as a Principal Investigator, for the Southern California Bureau of Land Management. The VCS Cultural Resources department has expertise in compliance with NEPA, CEQA, the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, and the Clean Water Act (404 Permit), among others.

Cultural Resource services: 

  • Constraints & Feasibility Analyses 

  • Phase I Cultural and Paleontological Assessments 

  • Phase II Resource Evaluation and Testing 

  • Phase III Data Recovery/Mitigation Studies 

  • Phase IV Construction Monitoring Mitigation Programs 

  • Historic Structures Assessments and Evaluations

  • Worker Environmental Awareness Program Training 

  • Native American/Tribal Scoping and Consultation 

  • Fossil Salvage, Identification, Evaluation and Preparation for Curation

  • Caltrans Studies and Documentation (HPSR, ASR, HRER, FOE, PIR, PER, PMP, et al.) 

  • Site Recordation on DPR 523 Resource Record Forms
