VCS Environmental provides comprehensive management of the CEQA and NEPA processes for various project types throughout California. VCS has managed the development of the following document types.
Initial Study
Negative Declaration/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Environmental Impact Report
EIR Addendum Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations
NEPA Documentation
Environmental Assessment
Finding of No Significant Effect
Environmental Impact Statement
Record of Decision
Peer Review of Environmental Documents and Supporting Technical Studies
VCS Environmental staff work closely with our project proponents, the design team, and lead agency staff to identify environmental constraints early in project design to assist in the avoidance and minimization of impacts to resources where feasible. In addition, our team is experienced in the preparation and processing of design review applications and other supporting city planning documentation including General Plan Amendments, Specific Plan Amendments, and Conditional Use Permits as needed for each of our projects. VCS also routinely prepares necessary notices (i.e. Notice of Preparation, Notice of Intent, Notice of Completion, etc.) as well as adoption/certification documents such as Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs (MMRPs), etc.
Quality Assurance / Quality Control
VCS employs the use of two internal rounds of review by Senior Staff to ensure Quality Assurance/ Quality Control in all deliverables. This internal review ensures high quality deliverables and enables VCS to adhere to project schedules. Weekly manager meetings and staff meetings facilitate the seamless flow of information, while maximizing project efficiency and eliminating gaps in communication.